Welcome to the Gender IDEAL Assessment

This holistic evaluation and diagnostic tool of how your company is structured - through its policies, processes and practices - to create an environment that fosters equity and equal opportunity for all employees, regardless of gender.

Topics included in the Gender IDEAL Assessment cover:

  • Commitment & Vision

  • Leadership Demographics

  • Recruitment, Promotion & Pipeline

  • Compensation & Pay Equity

  • Benefits & Policies

  • Training, Culture & Community

  • Products, Services, Contractors & Suppliers

Paired with our Benchmark & Recommendation Report, the assessment will give you the roadmap to make your company best-in-class for gender equity and inclusion.

The assessment is typically completed by a HR/People team member and takes 60 min to 3 hours to complete. We recommend that companies with more than 200 employees take the assessment by spreadsheet. This allows multiple teammates to access the form and fill in responses as needed. For a spreadsheet version, email us.

Have questions? Click the link below to learn how the full-suite of tools offered by Gender IDEAL help your company meet its gender equity goals.

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