Gender Equity versus Gender Equality

Breaking down what we mean by equity and equality, and why they both matter in the workplace.

What is Gender Equity?

Similar to other forms of equity, gender equity refers to the means and measures society puts in place to help all genders reach an equal footing with regard to civil rights, socioeconomic opportunities, and other positive life outcomes. People of all genders can experience discrimination and systemic disadvantages. Historically, however, gender inequities and inequality have disproportionately impacted women and non-cisgender individuals. 

Although they are often used synonymously, gender equity and gender equality are distinct concepts. Simply put, gender equity is the means by which societies can achieve gender equality. 

Equity versus Equality

Equality Equity

What Is Gender Equality?

Gender equality refers to a state in which no one is at a disadvantage because of their gender; it is the result that, ideally, can be made possible by policies aimed at gender equity. 

Although people the world over tend to view the US as a place of equality and opportunity, Americans still have a long way to go before gender equality becomes a reality. This is true particularly in the workplace. In addition to gender biases that prevent women and non-cisgender people from being hired and promoted fairly (and building successful careers and wealth), there are basic inequalities in pay. Here are some important things to know about gender inequality in the workplace as a major source of socioeconomic injustice:

  • Women are more likely to be forced to leave their jobs due to unpaid caregiving responsibilities that society expects them to fulfill. Women who have experienced unemployment also earn less than previously unemployed men upon reentering the workforce.

You can support cisgender and non-cisgender women by raising awareness about Equal Pay Day and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would amend the Constitution to protect equal legal rights for all genders. You can also do your part to reduce gender-based socioeconomic injustices by supporting businesses owned by women and non-cisgender people as well as nonprofit organizations that work toward equality for all genders.

Achieve Gender Equity and Equality with Gender IDEAL

Gender IDEAL helps companies to make their workplaces inclusive, diverse, and equal in access and leadership for all genders, particularly for women of color, women of different sexual orientations, gender identities, religions, economic backgrounds, and abilities.

We have tools to help your company through the whole improvement life cycle. This includes diagnostic assessments, benchmark and recommendation reports with a custom action plan designed for your company, and the resources and support you need to put those recommendations into action—including a plan for reproductive health protection

Contact us today to learn more about beginning our 3-step journey to improved gender equity performance!


Why Gender Equity and Equality Matter in the Workplace


Sample Benchmark & Recommendation Report