Your path to gender equity starts here

 Get performance insights and your custom roadmap to advance your firm’s gender equity

Once you’ve completed the Gender IDEAL Assessment, you’re ready to take action.


Gender IDEAL Benchmark & Recommendation Report

With our flagship product, you’ll get incomparable performance insights. No other tool provides industry benchmarking down to the question-level. Our benchmarks ensure you know where your company stands.

Once you’ve taken the Gender IDEAL Assessment, our team will create your custom Benchmark & Recommendation Report.

Your benchmark report includes a customized action plan with a set of actions based on your current and relative performance on the assessment. Recommended actions are based on the particular gaps identified in your company’s performance. Recommendations are informed by behavioral research that shows which practices have the most impact and are highest value in transforming an organization to an equity-oriented workplace. We keep the roadmap manageable, with the goal of implementing the action plan in a 12 month period.

Report pricing starts at $500 for non-profits and $1,000 for small businesses. Email us for more pricing information.


Reports are customized for each client.

Features include:

  • Overall performance summary highlighting the Topic Areas and individual questions of exceptional performance

  • Customized roadmap of high-impact Recommended Actions with resources and implementation guidance

  • Question-level comparative performance using industry-targeted benchmarks

  • Reports are only shared with the featured organization and all submitted data remains anonymous

Not sure what’s next?

We’re here to answer your questions and give guidance on how to proceed given your organization’s unique needs. Send us an email so we can connect.