Gender IDEAL

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Sample Benchmark & Recommendation Report

1. Executive Summary

Gender IDEAL is designed to help workplaces understand their current performance on gender equity and equality by completing a holistic evaluation of the organization’s practices, policies and culture. Leveraging a data-driven approach to the issue, workplaces can celebrate the areas in which they outperform peers and address areas of underperformance by focusing on a set of actionable recommendations. Over time, organizations can repeat the process with clarity about the goal, prioritizing their gender-focused equity work using a data-informed methodology.

A note: While gender is the core identifier in which this work is rooted, other facets of identity such as race and ethnicity, economic, religious, sexual identity, gender orientation, and ability inform the workplace experience.    Therefore, Gender IDEAL takes an intersectional approach to gender  in the assessment and platform tools.

This report is designed for internal use within your organization.  Our hope is that you will share it with your leadership team and your broader organization, using it to frame a discussion about gaps in intersectional gender equity and equality performance and to inform the near-term opportunities for your organization. Gender IDEAL will support your work by sharing case studies and other research related to the recommendations in your report and by offering a database of equity, inclusion and equality consultants who can help workplaces in their implementation.  Lastly, we hope you will use the Gender IDEAL Assessment in the future, to capture performance improvement and identify the next set of action priorities for your workplace.

2. Summary of Performance Results 


Twenty-four organizations completed the assessment for the research pilot.  For all comparative performance results, your organization’s performance was compared against all 24 organizations which represent for-profit and non-profit businesses in a range of industries from financial services to technology - including fin tech and software applications - to public-good organizations. All question-level responses in Section 5 of this report are shown against the 24 company benchmark.

To see a full list of the pilot participants’ organization characteristics, download the pdf version of this report at the bottom of the page.

Performance Results

Overall performance results shown below indicate the organization’s performance across the eight Topic Areas based on scoring on the Gender IDEAL Assessment.  Visit the Appendix for details on the scoring model.

The spider chart shows your organization’s performance compared with the general benchmark.  Performance is presented as percentage of possible points earned in each Topic Area.

3. Performance Results

Every organization is at a different stage in the process of being a more equitable and equal workplace.  This work can be challenging, slow and at times painful, but also gratifying when an organization can measure its progress.  The Gender IDEAL Assessment helps organizations recognize where they have above-average or unusual practices based on comparative performance relative to the other workplaces that participated in the pilot.

a. Recognitions

Your organization was in the top 20% of the full pilot group with its performance on the following Topic Areas:

  • Customers, Contractors & Suppliers

Your organization outperformed the pilot group with its performance on the following indicators:

Congratulations on these uncommon practices. We hope you share these insights within your organization to celebrate the progress you’ve made to date toward being a Gender IDEAL workplace. 

b. Recommendations

While there are reasons to celebrate, there are also opportunities for growth.  Gender IDEAL recommends that your organization prioritize the following improvements during the next 12-18 months.  These recommendations are informed by the responses your organization provided in the Gender IDEAL Assessment, by the comparative performance of organizations in your benchmark group and by research and learnings that inform the sequencing of changes that have a demonstrable impact on equity and equality within an organization.

For a full sample Benchmark & Recommendation Report, including all question-level benchmarks, download a .pdf of the report.